We have been rebuilding the web site. It is up and functional. It doesn’t look much different from the pervious website, but the new design is going to allow us to do some cool things in the future.
As we are reworking the site we are going back and updating information on the site that is more than 5 years old. One of the areas that needs the most updating is bio section. And we need your help….
We are going to add a “Wikipedia bio (aka stuff that isn’t true, but should be)” to each of our bios. We would like your help. We want you to come up with facts about Gene, Brad, or APeX that isn’t true, but you wish was true.
We are going to give prizes to everyone who comes up with something that ends up in the final version.
Add your facts about Gene, Brad, or the history of APeX in the comments below. (Please be patient if you don’t see your comment right away. We have to approve them just to keep everyone safe and happy.)